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EtO Use in Lateral Flow Tests Deemed Safe

EtO is safe to use in lateral flow testing Recent misinformation has been spreading around EtO use in lateral flow tests. The misleading information was believed to be first broadcast on a Facebook live video. On the video broadcast, it was falsely proclaimed that ethylene oxide sterilised swabs cause cancer. However several investigations, studies and […]

COVID Lockdown Eases: Testing Demand Increased

Testing Increased as UK Lockdown Eases As the UK’s covid lockdown eases, testing has increased in demand. The UK government have began their route out of lockdown with new initiatives. England will see their lockdown measures eased on 12th April with Scotland and Wales waiting until 26th April. Beginning their emergence from covid lockdown restrictions, […]

Face Masks and Sore Throat Link

Link Between Sore Throats and Face Masks FFP2 face masks are proven to protect against the COVID-19 virus and have been approved by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as PPE for use in close contact situations with potential, or confirmed, cases of coronavirus. Andersen Caledonia provides high-quality FFP2 masks which feature 5 layered filtration and […]

How to Keep Your Workplace Clean During Covid-19

How to Keep Workspaces Clean from Covid-19 It is now critical to have the workplace clean during covid-19 to minimise and prevent the spread of the virus. The workplace is going to look a touch different in the post-covid era. Awareness of harmful bacteria isn’t just for germaphobes – it’s everyone’s concern. An article by Insider.co.uk detailed […]

Lab Test: Surface Test Certificate of Analysis

Andersen Caledonia has pioneered surface testing in the UK in response to the coronavirus outbreak. But what do we offer customers in terms of feedback and response to sending swabs for our lab test? After a customer has shipped their completed surface swab to our laboratory at Andersen Caledonia, we conduct a lab test for the presence […]

Andersen Caledonia Develop Covid-19 Surface Test

Andersen Caledonia Help Develop First Covid-19 Surface Test A new Covid-19 surface test invented by an Aberdeen man’s company could help speed up the re-opening of shared spaces in hospitals, care homes, schools and offices. The kit, which is the first of its kind in the UK, works by detecting traces of the virus on […]

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