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New Coronavirus Cases Linked to Fish Market

It has been reported that 79 new coronavirus cases have been linked to a fish market in the Fengtai District of Beijing, putting a stop to plans to re-open schools. COVID-19 RNA was identified on chopping boards that had come into contact with Norwegian imported salmon produce, however experts claim that the fish contamination most likely stemmed from either: contaminated packaging of the product, or an asymptomatic individual. No traces of COVID-19 were uncovered on salmon that, luckily, had not yet entered the market to be sold. New coronavirus cases continue to be a worry in the region

Zhong Kai, director of the China Food Information Centre said “At present, all evidence points to Xinfadi, rather than to salmon”.

Nucleic acid surface testing is currently being used to examine the safety of imported meat products before being released and sold to vendors to decrease the risk of further spread of coronavirus and outbreaks of the virus.

See the full article here.



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